Account opening fees | £0 |
Annual subscription fees | £0 |
Incoming payment fee | £0 |
Holding fee on deposits | 0% |
FX transaction fees | Up to 0.75%* |
Payment fee | £1.50 - £15. Fee depending on the payment type. |
*In some cases, the FX fee for non-major currencies and forward contracts may be higher than 0.75%. To discuss your tailored requirements, contact our customer services team.
A breakdown of our pricing and fees
Fast and secure international business payments shouldn’t be complicated. With WorldFirst, you can easily collect, convert, manage and make payments in all major and minor currencies.
It is free to open an account with us – we do not charge monthly maintenance fees, annual subscription fees, incoming payment fees or interest on the funds you deposit into your account.
Our pricing model consists of two parts: a fixed FX fee and a small payment fee. Speak to our customer service team about our competitive fees and rates.
Need help opening an account or have any questions?
Request a callback and a member of our team will contact you shortly.
Businesses trust WorldFirst
Since 2004, more than 240K businesses have utilised WorldFirst to send more than £87bn around the world.