The WorldFirst International Payments Account
For businesses importing and paying overseas suppliers.
Achieve bank-beating exchange rates on your international payments saving your business money.
Make fast & secure international payments in 68 currencies.
Send mass payments from a single transaction – saving time and money.
Facilitate unfunded and prefunded spot contracts.
Lock in an exchange rate for up to two years with a forward contract.
Make transfers online 24/7 or through your dedicated account manager.
The WorldFirst International Collections Account
For businesses selling via online marketplaces & websites.
Open locally-based currency accounts in USD, GBP, EUR, CNH, JPY, SGD, CAD, NZD, HKD & AUD.
Collect overseas funds from marketplaces & payment gateways like Amazon and Stripe.
Hold funds to pay suppliers and repatriate sales with ease at a great exchange rate.
Use the funds you've collected to book prefunded spot contracts.
Seamless Xero integration means you can spend less time on accounting.
Make transfers online 24/7 or through your dedicated account manager.